Saturday, 15 November 2014

Bangladesh - The Wide Worlds Snaps

President: Abdul Hamid (2013)

Prime Minister: Sheikh Hasina (2009)
Land area: 51,703 sq mi (133,911 sq km);

total area: 55,598 sq mi (144,000 sq km)
Population (2014 est.): 166,280,712 (growth rate: 1.6%); birth rate: 21.61/1000; infant mortality rate: 45.67/1000; life expectancy: 70.65
Capital and largest city (2011 est.): Dhaka, 15.391 million
Other large cities: Chittagong, 5.239 million; Khulna, 1.781 million; Rajshahi 932,000
Modern Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation in 1971 after achieving independence from Pakistan in the Bangladesh Liberation War. The country constitutes with the major portion of the ancient and historic region of Bengal in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent, where civilization dates back over four millennia, to the Copper Age. The history of the region is closely intertwined with the history of Bengal and the history of India.

Tags: Bangladesh - The Wide Worlds Snaps, The Wide Worlds Snaps, Bangladesh, Bangladesh beutifull pictures, Bangladesh cities, Bangladesh country, Bangladesh beautifull country pictures,


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