President: Juan Orlando Hernández (2014)
Land area: 43,201 sq mi (111,891 sq km);
total area: 43,278 sq mi (112,090 sq km)
Population (2014 est.): 8,598,561 (growth rate: 1.74%);
birth rate: 23.66/1000; infant mortality rate: 18.72/1000;
ife expectancy: 70.91
Capital and largest city (2011 est.): Tegucigalpa, 1.088 million
Monetary unit: Lempira
During the first millennium, Honduras was inhabited by the Maya. Columbus explored the country in 1502. Honduras, with four other Central American nations, declared its independence from Spain in 1821 to form a federation of Central American states. In 1838, Honduras left the federation and became independent. Political unrest rocked Honduras in the early 1900s, resulting in an occupation by U.S. Marines. Dictator Gen. Tiburcio Carias Andino established a strong government in 1932.
In 1969, El Salvador invaded Honduras after Honduran landowners deported several thousand Salvadorans. Five thousand people ultimately died in what is called “the football war” because it broke out during a soccer game between the two countries. By threatening economic sanctions and military intervention, the Organization of American States (OAS) induced El Salvador to withdraw.
Land area: 43,201 sq mi (111,891 sq km);
total area: 43,278 sq mi (112,090 sq km)
Population (2014 est.): 8,598,561 (growth rate: 1.74%);
birth rate: 23.66/1000; infant mortality rate: 18.72/1000;
ife expectancy: 70.91
Capital and largest city (2011 est.): Tegucigalpa, 1.088 million
Monetary unit: Lempira
During the first millennium, Honduras was inhabited by the Maya. Columbus explored the country in 1502. Honduras, with four other Central American nations, declared its independence from Spain in 1821 to form a federation of Central American states. In 1838, Honduras left the federation and became independent. Political unrest rocked Honduras in the early 1900s, resulting in an occupation by U.S. Marines. Dictator Gen. Tiburcio Carias Andino established a strong government in 1932.
In 1969, El Salvador invaded Honduras after Honduran landowners deported several thousand Salvadorans. Five thousand people ultimately died in what is called “the football war” because it broke out during a soccer game between the two countries. By threatening economic sanctions and military intervention, the Organization of American States (OAS) induced El Salvador to withdraw.
Tags: Honduras - The Wide Worlds Snaps,The Wide Worlds Snaps,Honduras beautifull country pictures,Honduras snaps,Honduras beautifull snaps,Honduras whole country pictures,Honduras pictures,Honduras snaps,Honduras country,Honduras,
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