President: Daniel Ortega (2007)
Land area: 46,430 sq mi (120,254 sq km);
total area: 49,998 sq mi (129,494 sq km)
Population (2010 est.): 5,995,928 (growth rate: 1.7%);
birth rate: 22.77/1000;
infant mortality rate: 24.1/1000;
life expectancy: 71.8;
density per sq km: 48
Capital and largest city (2003 est.): Managua, 1,390,500 (metro. area), 1,146,000 (city proper)
Monetary unit: Gold cordoba
Nicaragua, which derives its name from the chief of the area's leading Indian tribe at the time of the Spanish Conquest, was first settled by the Spanish in 1522. The country won independence in 1838. For the next century, Nicaragua's politics were dominated by the competition for power between the Liberals, who were centered in the city of León, and the Conservatives, centered in Granada.
To back up its support of the new Conservative government in 1909, the U.S. sent a small detachment of marines to Nicaragua from 1912 to 1925. The Bryan-Chamorro Treaty of 1916 (terminated in 1970) gave the U.S. an option on a canal route through Nicaragua and naval bases. U.S. Marines were sent again to quell disorder after the 1924 elections. A guerrilla leader, Gen. César Augusto Sandino, fought the U.S. troops from 1927 until their withdrawal in 1933.
Tags: Nicaragua - The Wide Worlds Snaps,The Wide Worlds Snaps,Nicaragua beautifull country pictures,Nicaragua beautifull cities pictures,Nicaragua whole country pictures,Nicaragua beautifull snaps,Nicaragua country,Nicaragua cities,Nicaragua beauty,Nicaragua country,
Land area: 46,430 sq mi (120,254 sq km);
total area: 49,998 sq mi (129,494 sq km)
Population (2010 est.): 5,995,928 (growth rate: 1.7%);
birth rate: 22.77/1000;
infant mortality rate: 24.1/1000;
life expectancy: 71.8;
density per sq km: 48
Capital and largest city (2003 est.): Managua, 1,390,500 (metro. area), 1,146,000 (city proper)
Monetary unit: Gold cordoba
Nicaragua, which derives its name from the chief of the area's leading Indian tribe at the time of the Spanish Conquest, was first settled by the Spanish in 1522. The country won independence in 1838. For the next century, Nicaragua's politics were dominated by the competition for power between the Liberals, who were centered in the city of León, and the Conservatives, centered in Granada.
To back up its support of the new Conservative government in 1909, the U.S. sent a small detachment of marines to Nicaragua from 1912 to 1925. The Bryan-Chamorro Treaty of 1916 (terminated in 1970) gave the U.S. an option on a canal route through Nicaragua and naval bases. U.S. Marines were sent again to quell disorder after the 1924 elections. A guerrilla leader, Gen. César Augusto Sandino, fought the U.S. troops from 1927 until their withdrawal in 1933.
Tags: Nicaragua - The Wide Worlds Snaps,The Wide Worlds Snaps,Nicaragua beautifull country pictures,Nicaragua beautifull cities pictures,Nicaragua whole country pictures,Nicaragua beautifull snaps,Nicaragua country,Nicaragua cities,Nicaragua beauty,Nicaragua country,
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